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LEAP Engine

Language: C++ w/ OpenGL
Platform: PC

W, Up = Move Forward
A, Left = Move left
S, Down = Move backwards
D, Right = Move right
Mouse = Look around
Space = Jump
Left Click = Sprint

Editor Controls:
Middle Click = Editor Menu
Left Click = Rotate camera
Right Click = Move camera

This is a group developed project which was made for my university c++ coursework in my third year of university.

The software is an OpenGL / GLSL game engine which is used to create platforming games. The engine uses a unity style structure which implements entities which take components to create complex objects within the game. For instance a platform could be created which would be an entity then the platform could be given an AI entity allowing the object to move using an AI behaviour. The software contains a main menu, A game developed within the engine and an editor.

My task when working on this project was to work on the AI component, the Scene loading and the creation of the level whilst also helping alongside other segments of the project.
The AI has 2 sets of behaviours, Trigger behaviours which run whenever a valid object gets within range(Evading and following) and behaviours which determine how the robot navigates (Path following and wandering).
The level loading uses a recursive XML loader which progressively checks for new entities and components and builds the objects accordingly.

Features (I worked on):

Other Features: